
Olympstrasse 3

6430 Ötztal-Bahnhof


43 2239 344 44

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Druckerei Pircher GmbH Logo

Phone: 43 5266 8966


Phone: 43 5266 8966


Olympstraße 3 | 6430 Ötztal-Bahnhof

Sustainability in print products out of love for the environment

Our philosophy - more than just a promise.

Hintergrund streifen

At Druckerei Pircher, we are committed to nature and the preservation of our precious environment. Therefore, we handle resources particularly carefully, select materials with care, and produce in harmony with our valuable environment for a sustainable production process of tomorrow and beyond.

Sustainability and environmental awareness are part of our company culture - always have been.

For example, the construction of our company building was designed according to geomatic and Feng Shui criteria. In doing so, we have created a sustainable oasis of well-being for our customers and employees.

In addition, the Holy Catherine, our patron saint, guards the main entrance. She stands for courage, strength, conviction, and abundant energy.

Weltkugel aus Glas auf einer Computertastatur
Kartonboxen auf einem hellgrünen Hintergrund

Speaking of… energy

Speaking of energy, we have been supplied with sustainable solar energy from our modern and powerful photovoltaic system. We also have e-charging stations for electric cars ready in front of the house.

We prefer to put valuable energy into your projects!

Recycled paper and mineral oil-free INks

For print products that convince sustainably.

We are certified as an eco-business with the Austrian Environmental Certificate, which our customers can also use to advertise. This way, we sustainably strengthen our forest and the entire ecosystem and ensure a livable space for tomorrow.


Definable, measurable quality promise

Reduction of customer complaints

Avoidance of reprints

Competence gain and differentiation from the competition

Improved profitability

Clear definition of responsibilities

Repeatability for reprints


We think so too!

Our print products proudly bear the Austrian eco-label. With 100% recyclable paper and mineral oil-free vegetable dyes, we not only make a significant contribution to a reduced CO₂ footprint, but also guarantee exceptional color brilliance. With climate-neutral printing, we calculate exactly the amount of greenhouse gas emissions that occur during the production of your printed products. By offsetting these emissions, you create your printed matter in a climate-neutral manner - using tradable certificates from recognized climate protection projects.

Promotion of sustainable forestry

Our contribution to the greatest challenge of the 21st century.

Climate protection and the preservation of our living space are probably the biggest challenges. We don't just want to reduce pollutants and emissions, we also want to give something back to nature!

With the PEFC certification bvfs-CoC-0024/29, Pircher printing contributes to the protection of forests.

PEFC Zertifizierung bvfs-CoC-0024/29

PEFC certification bvfs-CoC-0024/29 Forests cover only six percent of the earth's land surface. Nevertheless, forests are the habitat for around two-thirds of the nearly 30 million animal and plant species worldwide. Furthermore, forests make a significant contribution to protecting our environment. Forests are air and dust filters, water reservoirs, soil stabilization against erosion, climate regulators, and oxygen suppliers.

Nevertheless, an area of rainforest is deforested every year that is two and a half times the size of Austria. Since wood is also an important raw material for paper, we - as part of the paper and printing industry have a great responsibility to protect and use these resources sustainably. With our certification according to the PEFC standard, we want to contribute to preventing or at least significantly reducing deforestation and uncontrolled logging in the future.

The PEFC label guarantees that the papers used do not come from deforestation but from socially and environmentally responsible forest management. By producing and purchasing PEFC products, you are actively supporting forest conservation. Furthermore, by using the PEFC label, you are positioning your company as a responsible entity that considers the environmental impact of its products in procurement, and you are documenting this for your customers.

Nowadays, almost all commonly used papers, from offset paper to high-quality picture printing, are available with the PEFC label. If you want to label your print products with the PEFC logo, we will advise you on the selection of papers.

FSC® certification - environmental management with heart & mind.

We are happy to announce that our printer has received FSC® certification C166246!

We are pleased to announce that our printing company has received FSC® certification C166246! To demonstrate our responsible actions, we are FSC® certified. Clients can order FSC® certified print productions. By printing the FSC® logo, clients also communicate their own environmental commitment. FSC® prevents deforestation, protects rare species, and prevents human rights violations - regardless of whether the wood comes from tropical or domestic forests.

The basis of FSC® is the certification of forests according to globally standardized criteria that form the basis for the work of foresters. FSC® equally considers economic, ecological, and social requirements for the resource of the forest in its criteria.

Annual audits of all certified businesses, both in the forest and downstream industries, ensure the highest level of credibility and transparency.

Therefore, FSC® is supported by both environmental and social organizations as well as the forestry and wood industry as the only forest certification system.

FSC® certified products can be identified by the FSC® label in the trade. Worldwide, over 136 million hectares of forest are FSC® certified.


PSO is our promise to our customers to deliver reliable and reproducible quality at all times.

Standardized production processes with defined quality criteria and checkpoints allow for a controlled workflow from data reception to the finished print product - from PDF data handling to proofing, CtP, printing plate to the printing machine. Regular external controls guarantee our customers an objectively measurable and, above all, consistently high print quality. We subject our printing machines to this test series, and the examination is always carried out by independent experts.

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